
My name is Mahta Mousavi. I am currently a senior neuroengineer at Zander Labs working on project NAFAS (Neuroadaptivity for Autonomous Systems)

Prior to joining Zander Labs, I was an Einstein international postdoctoral fellow at the Technische Universität Berlin working with Professor Benjamin Blankertz on whole-brain modeling of the electroencephalography (EEG) signal, developing EEG-based brain functional connectivity measures and investigating their application in brain-computer interfaces. 

Prior to that, I was a postdoctoral scholar at the Cognitive Science department at UC San Diego where I also earned my doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering (Data Science and machine learning) and Cognitive Science, supervised by Professor Virginia de Sa

I was an MIT rising stars participant in 2021. 

Since 2021, I am serving as a board member for the Maryosa foundation which is a Netherlands-based not-for-profit organization that focuses on providing education support for students in developing countries. 

I also volunteer as a mentor and tutor at Mädchen-Kultur-Treff Dünja, an organization in Berlin that is active in the education of girls and young women with immigration backgrounds. I am also a volunteer for various projects at the Unionhilfswek including their mentoring program for young adults. 

You can see my list of publications here and repositories here.